Advanced Army Logistics Game - Neon Edition

Game Description

Welcome to the Logic War, a complex military strategy simulation set in a futuristic, neon-lit world. As the commander, your mission is to manage various aspects of military logistics to achieve victory while navigating the challenges of resource management and strategic decision-making.

In this immersive game, you'll oversee critical operations such as troop training, equipment procurement, and battlefield engagements. The game's unique neon aesthetic adds a visually striking element to the strategic depth, creating an engaging and atmospheric experience.

Key Features

  • Dynamic Resource Management: Balance multiple resources including Deployment, Supply, Combat statistics, and more.
  • Strategic Node Interactions: Interact with various operational nodes to enhance your army's capabilities.
  • Real-time Battle Engagement: Participate in battles when your army is sufficiently prepared.
  • Complex Interdependencies: Navigate intricate relationships between different aspects of your military.
  • Atmospheric Neon Design: Enjoy a visually stunning game environment with a futuristic neon theme.

How to Play

  1. Understand Your Resources:
    • Monitor your key resources displayed in the Game State panel.
    • Pay attention to Deployment, Supply, Combat stats, Victory progress, and available Resources.
  2. Interact with Nodes:
    • Click on the glowing nodes around the edge of the game area to activate different operations.
    • Each node represents a specific aspect of military logistics (e.g., Training, Equipment, Recruitment).
    • Activating a node will have various effects on your resources and army capabilities.
  3. Strategic Decision Making:
    • Choose which nodes to activate based on your current needs and long-term strategy.
    • Balance between building up your forces and engaging in battle.
  4. Engage in Battle:
    • The central 'Battlefield' node becomes available when you have at least 10 Supply and 10 Deployment.
    • Engaging in battle is the only way to increase your Victory progress.
    • Each battle consumes resources and affects various aspects of your army.
  5. Monitor Effects:
    • After each node interaction, a brief message will display the effects of your action.
    • Keep an eye on the Game State panel to track changes in your resources and capabilities.
  6. Aim for Victory:
    • Your goal is to reach 100% Victory before running out of resources.
    • Manage your resources carefully - if they are depleted, it's game over!

Tips for Success

  • Build up your army's strength before engaging in battle for better results.
  • Pay attention to the complex interactions between different resources and capabilities.
  • Use the Help menu to understand the effects of each node.
  • Balance offensive actions (battles) with defensive and supportive actions (training, supply management, etc.).
  • Keep an eye on your army's morale - high morale can lead to better performance and resource generation.
  • The "Gifts" node is like cheating, don't be weak!


  • Click or Tap on nodes to activate them.
  • Use the Help button to view detailed information about each node's effects.
  • Mute/Unmute button toggles game sounds.

Remember, Commander, victory lies in the delicate balance of resource management and strategic engagement. Good luck, and may your tactical brilliance lead your neon army to glory!

Updated 24 days ago
Published 26 days ago
AuthorSimulation Games Company
GenrePuzzle, Strategy
TagsMinimalist, War

Development log

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